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Building 101 is in Session

Posted by Melissa Lynn Galland on Apr 14, 2020 1:24:46 PM

Topics: Custom Home Builder, Site Development, Financing, Custom Homes, Finding Land

Online Events

Don’t worry about showing up in person. We’ve moved our popular class on the basics of homebuilding online—where we can better protect the health and safety of our communities. You’ll still have unprecedented access to the Adair Homes building process—where we make it quicker, easier, and more affordable than you could imagine to build your dream home. Learn about financing, budgeting, and how you can deduct sweat equity from the overall cost of your new construction. Talk to a designer. Peruse the online plans! The Building 101 seminar is your ticket to new construction.

Each event is customized based on your questions that you ask, but here’s what you can expect:

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Working With Limitations on Your Lot

Posted by Melissa Lynn Galland on Feb 16, 2017 7:33:06 AM

Topics: Build a Custom Home, Site Development, Floor Plans



Sometimes the perfect location for your new home does not have ideal building conditions. For example, you might choose a neighborhood for its schools, tax rates, or other reasons, but the only lot you can purchase has size limitations. You might even prefer a narrow lot if you want to have a smaller footprint or do not want to maintain a larger property. Whatever your reasons for purchasing the land you selected, there are plenty of ways to build on all types of lots, including narrow ones.

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Step #4 - Determine Site Development Costs

Posted by Melissa Lynn Galland on Dec 12, 2013 12:00:42 AM

Topics: Build a Custom Home, Site Development, Finding Land

We've all heard the idiom "Leave no stone unturned". Well, it certainly applies when determining your site development costs. The primary reason for Adair Homes to provide a Free Site Evaluation is to help you uncover all the costs associated with developing your property. Remember the total project cost is determined by the cost of the land, the home, and the site development costs. The land and the home costs are very easily identified, but the site development costs are a different story. That is why Adair Homes "rolls up its sleeves" for you and your family to help you identify these costs. The Adair Homes' construction services department has great relationships with excavators, well drillers, septic installers, and others that can help provide written bids. This way, once you begin construction, you will know that you've done all the work necessary to make your project a success!

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