Homebuilding Tips | Adair Homes

Why a Custom Home Is Better Than Home Renovations

Written by Melissa Lynn Galland | Jan 31, 2017 5:30:17 PM

If you have decided that it’s time to upgrade to a home with more space, you might be weighing the options of adding an addition to your current home, purchasing an existing home that you can renovate, or building a new custom home. Many people opt for the renovation option, because it feels easier. Renovating an existing home must be a simpler process than building a new one, right? Not necessarily. In fact, there are several reasons why building a new custom home can actually be a smarter decision than renovating.

Build to Your Preferences

Even a nice older house with “good bones” will have limitations with respect to the layout. Unless the existing home is similar to the dream home you envision, you will have a difficult time achieving your goals. Moving walls isn’t always as easy as it seems, and immovable support beams can impact possible layouts. Starting from scratch with a custom floor plan that fits your lifestyle is a cost-effective way to get a beautiful home with all of the features you want. For example, if you want a single-story home with an open kitchen, consider a plan like The Lewisville before you purchase an existing home and start knocking out walls.

Control Your Budget

If you have ever done any kind of renovation project, you know that it inevitably costs more than you planned for. If you’re new to renovations, be ready for a lot of surprises. When you start opening up walls and pulling up floors, you might find issues like moisture problems, rotten wood, or outdated electrical wiring that must be updated. When you build a new custom home, there are no budget surprises, especially when you work with a builder that offers price protection.

Use Safer Materials

When renovating an existing home, you often don’t know what you’re going to find until you are deep into the process. Hazardous materials like lead paint and asbestos can turn a simple renovation into an expensive venture that you didn’t budget for. Building a new custom home allows you to be sure that every material being used is safe for you and the environment.

Save Money by Building Efficiently

While it is possible to update an older home with energy-efficient appliances and fixtures, there is only so much you can do to improve the overall efficiency of the home on a limited budget. You can upgrade windows and add insulation to certain areas to decrease heat loss in winter, but because the walls have already been enclosed, it’s difficult to reach all of the areas for proper installation. An older home is also likely to have more air leaks, which often cannot be sealed without an extensive renovation.
If you are in the market for a new home and you’re not sure whether to renovate or build new, speak with a Home Ownership Counselor to learn more about the Adair Homes process and how you can build an affordable custom home that fits your budget. You might be surprised to learn that building a new home is not as intimidating as it seems at first, especially when experienced professionals are there with you every step of the way. Contact us today to get started.