Homebuilding Tips | Adair Homes

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions This Year

Written by Melissa Lynn Galland | Dec 29, 2016 5:00:25 PM

This weekend 2016 will slip into memory and we’ll start 2017 fresh. If all the holiday cookies are making your belt feel a little tighter or you realize that all that merriment has gone straight to your hips (we’re with you) you might be tempted to make a few New Year’s Resolutions. You know, those dreaded promises we make to ourselves every year, only to abandon them within weeks, days, or even hours of toasting in the new year?

This year, we’d like to propose a different approach. How about making promises to ourselves that we actually want to keep? Resolutions that inspire us instead of deprive us? Resolutions that celebrate how far we’ve come and not how far we still have to go?

We think it’s a fine idea (if we do say so ourselves). Here are a few suggestions.

Take Care of Yourself

Now we’re not talking about the kind of taking care of yourself that requires you to trade in your morning coffee for green tea or start eating sprouty things. We’re talking about being kind to yourself. When you’re tired, rest. When you’re hungry, eat. When you’re stressed out, slip into a long hot bubble bath. (May we suggest the upgraded master bath package with soaking tub in our Mt. Hood plan).

Reduce Stress

According to recent study, hitting the craft store can be almost as beneficial as hitting the trails when it comes to relieving stress. Hobbies are a great way to escape the everyday stress of work, whether it’s tinkering with an old car in the garage, scrapbooking in the craft room, or cooking up your signature dish in the kitchen. At Adair Homes you can design your home around your hobbies so there’s always space to relax and recharge. Add a third garage bay, turn a bedroom into a den, choose a plan with an open loft area and more.

Save Money

Want more cushion your bank account? You don’t have to give up your morning latte. Often you can create more stretch in your budget by cutting costs in places you won’t even feel it: lower commuting costs, lower monthly energy bills, fewer home repairs. When you build your new home with Adair Homes you can choose exactly where you want to build (like closer to work). Newer homes are more energy efficient so you’ll probably save lots of money on energy bills. And, since every home we build comes with an industry-leading warranty, you won’t have those surprise home repairs that can drain your bank account.

So what do you say? Ready to take a kinder, gentler approach to your New Year’s Resolutions this year? Stop by an Adair Homes Design Center and learn more about how we can help you design and build the perfect home for whatever your goals are in the year ahead.