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Posted by Melissa Lynn Galland on Dec 31, 2015 10:22:56 AM
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The New Year is upon us. Now’s the time to look back on this past year’s blessings and map out our hopes and dreams for the new year. Are you hoping to be in your dream home by this time next year, but concerned about how you’re going to afford it? Or maybe you are just too busy to build one?

Quiet those negative thoughts with this one idea: the perfect time is right now because you’re the master of your own fate.

Instead of agonizing over whether or not you can build your dream home this year, let’s create a strategy that turns that dream of easy custom home building into a reality.

Here at Adair Homes, we specialize in making your dream affordable and we have created an easy and well-travelled path to homeownership. Let our 45 years of homebuilding experience guide you to realizing the dream of homeownership.

Have Fun Exploring

Congratulations on starting the process. We’ve jam packed our website full of tools that help make it as easy as possible to take those first steps towards building your dream home. Other things to do here include:

Create a Game Plan With Your In-Person Visit to Adair Homes

What should you expect from meeting with us? Don’t worry, we’re on your side. We’ll have a thorough chat about how we can provide you with an amazing (and affordable) home building experience.

In this meeting, we’ll:

  • Help you decide on which floor plan to choose based on your needs and budget. A home is a big investment, we take the extra step in identifying the right home for you with our “Lifestyle Value Match” process.
  • Discuss your budget and understand what you can truly afford. (Provide you with a no-obligation approval worksheet from Alliance Financial Services, if you’re financing.) Work with our qualified Home Ownership Counselor to define your costs by analyzing home, land and site development expenses. To finalize the budget, we will order your appraisal.
  • Customize your dream home with the countless options that Adair Homes has to offer. From granite countertops to an upgraded master suite oasis, Adair can help you build your unique vision of home.
  • Schedule your complimentary Site Visit with an Adair Pro Team member. This meeting is very beneficial in understanding property orientation, site conditions, and utilities. 
  • Lock in your Price Protection Period with the completion of your home order. Adair Homes is proud to offer an industry leading 120-Day price protection period.

We believe an informed customer is an empowered one.

See how easy it is to start the path to building your custom home? Would you like to see what Adair Homes can do for you? We’d love to meet you at one of our open houses. Check out an open house or educational event near you and get even more of your questions answered.

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