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Posted by Melissa Lynn Galland on Mar 23, 2018 7:23:38 AM
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At this point in the process, you are well on your way to building a new custom home. Even though you haven’t broken ground yet, important steps have been checked off the list. You still have a few more to get through before you see activity on the site, but every task that is completed brings you closer to move-in day. 

After you have completed the contract for your new house with Adair Homes, the next couple of months will involve a lot of planning. Before construction can begin, the drawings must be completed, the PreConstruction meeting must happen, and permits must be submitted. In addition, a visit to the local jurisdiction is key to your PreConstruction success. While you are probably eager to see work start happening on your site, these are important steps towards building your house that help ensure construction goes as smoothly as possible.

Reserve Your Date Meeting

After the contract is ratified your first step is to schedule a Reserve Date Meeting with your Home Ownership Counselor and PreConstruction Administrator. The Reserve Date Meeting is the initial kick-off meeting for pre-construction planning and is when you’ll determine the date you will be working towards for pouring the foundation. Your PreConstruction Administrator is there to guide you through the rest of the planning and permitting process and to answer questions you will have about the steps before construction can start.

Drafting Drawings

The Adair Homes process allows you to customize one of our existing floor plans to suit your lifestyle and needs. After you have made all of the decisions about which features to include and finalized the layout, our drafting team prepares the construction drawings. These drawings are necessary for securing permits, and your site development contractors will also need some of the information they contain.

There isn’t much work for you to do during this period, but you can continue working with your lender to secure funding. Getting your completed construction drawings is exciting! Even though you won’t necessarily know what all of the details mean, the construction crew will use all of this valuable information to create the dream home you have envisioned.

PreConstruction Meeting

After the construction drawings are complete, it’s time to meet the team that will be building your home. The PreConstruction meeting is an opportunity for all of the key people to get on the same page about the rest of the process. The superintendent will lead the meeting and ensure that everybody understands their responsibilities in the homebuilding process. For you, as the homeowner, this includes site preparation,  permit submission, and key construction steps.

The PreConstruction meeting is a chance to ask any lingering questions about the building process. The more you understand about what steps you need to take and when they need to be completed, the smoother the project will go. The superintendent will be your main point of contact for construction-related questions, so get to know them during this meeting and build the foundation of a strong relationship.

Permit Submission

ThePreConstruction Administrator will prepare a permit package for the approvals that are needed to secure the building permit. As part of our Joint Homebuilding Agreement, you are responsible for submitting this package to the city and all other permit applications to your homeowners’ association (if applicable) and local regulators for site development.

You will have learned at the jurisdiction visit which permits are required for site development, so you should already have all of the information you need. If you need help preparing permits, just ask. The team is there to support you every step of the way. The permit approval process takes some time, so the sooner you can submit your applications, the faster you will have the permits in hand.

One Step Closer to Completion

These important steps in the homebuilding process are not the most glamorous, but they are necessary to keep the project moving forward. After you have secured permits, you can begin site preparation, which sets the stage for construction. Have patience while drawings and permits are being prepared and approved. You are, indeed, getting closer to your new custom home.


If you would like to learn more about what it’s like to build a new house with Adair Homes, contact us today or visit one of our local branches to meet with a Home Ownership Counselor.

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